My daughter is pretty amazing. She's SO BOLD!!! Sometime's she drives me crazy, okay a lot of the time. But in important things, she's pretty darn awesome. She's heading back to Haiti in 2.5 weeks. So many people I have told this fact too, tell me variations on "what a good Mom I am". Okay, yeah, I think I am a pretty decent Mom. But you know what, I CANNOT take the credit alone. No way.
It takes a village. That may be the only thing Hillary Clinton & I agree on :)
My daughter has had a Christian ubringing and has been surrounded by a church family who love her, support her and most importantly have held her accountable. She has a supportive family and extended family who have enocuraged her to do her best in everything she does and have held her to higher standards at times, because we KNEW she was capable of meeting them. And she has friends who I LOVE dearly. A truly good bunch of people.
So for those of you who have told me I'm a good Mom, I gladly accept your compliment. But for those of you who truly know my daughter, you know SHE'S PRETTY AWESOME ALL ON HER OWN! She teaches me all the time. I was stressed about raising funds for her next trip and she has trusted in God for the details and it seems to all be coming together. She told me to quit stressing because she knew she was in for a blessing.
Keep her in prayer. She flies to Haiti on January 5th. This is her second trip and I think it's just one more of many to come in her future.